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                R&D CENTER

                Paishing has a long-standing culture of Research & Development and was recognized in 2017 as a“National High-Tech Enterprise”.
                Paishing has advanced experimental capabilities and more than a hundred R&D personnel in 3 R&D centers located in China (ChongQing and DongGuan) and in the US (Sunnyvale). In the recent years these R&D centers delivered many ground-breaking solutions and patented dozens of inventions and utility models.
                To develop innovative solutions, Paishing also collaborates with colleges and universities, such as Hunan University of Technology or Shanghai Publishing and Printing College.
                Paishing was even recognized as“GuangDong Environmental Protection Packaging Material Die Cutting Technology Reasearch Center”,which is the industry study research base of the Hunan University.

                R&D IN ALL-PAPER

                As another new concept of Paishing’s R&D in technology and environmental protection, all-paper packaging refers to the use of renewable eco-friendly packaging materials, such as molded fibers, which naturally and rapidly degrade and have a low impact on the ecological environment. Paishing hopes to reduce the use of non-degradable materials in packaging products of global enterprises through the comprehensive development of eco-friendly molded fiber products, helping them solve environmental protection problems present in packaging products and promoting the global application of eco-friendly packaging.

                R&D RESULTS

                R&D Direction:

                R&D in automation, environmentally friendly materials

                R&D Achievements:

                37 invention patents,133 utility model patents,23 appearance patent,and more than 30 patents are being under submission...